Therapy/Self Growth - Sort: Rating, Low to High

The Identity Process: A Demonstration With Diane Connirae Andreas

The Identity Process: A Demonstration With Diane Connirae Andreas

A "core state" is a state of being. It is not something you do or achieve (success). It's not something you get from others (appreciation) or even yourself (self-appreciation). It is not something you know (wisdom). And it is not a specific emotion. In a somewhat complex demonstration, Connirae A... More

Digital content Audio
US$ 43.95 Select
The Swish Pattern

The Swish Pattern

This is the classic submodalities pattern used for a wide variety of outcomes. The Swish Pattern is a rapid, effective intervention for modifying habits and feelings. It was first a standard for motivation and for smoking cessation. The Swish is a fundamental example of a submodalities change pro... More

Digital content Audio
US$ 43.95 Select
Six-Step Reframing

Six-Step Reframing

One of the first NLP formal processes to make extensive use of the Reframing model, Six-Step Reframing, is a very generative process. It bridges therapeutic and generative uses, both healing, integrating, and generating new choices.A signal that you may want to use this process is that too famili... More

Digital content Audio
US$ 43.95 Select
Resolving Shame

Resolving Shame

Most experts acknowledge shame as a root cause of many difficulties – including alcoholism, drug abuse, and codependence. Steve Andres examines the structure of shame, then demonstrates a rapid method for resolving shame and regaining a sense of self-esteem. Note: Viewers need prior NLP exp... More

Digital content Audio
US$ 43.95 Select
Recreating Yourself

Recreating Yourself

In this powerful audio program you’ll discover how your beliefs or generalizations about others or their surroundings are powerful enablers – or disablers – of you behaviors and accomplishments, and how the beliefs you hold about yourself shape (for good or ill) you life.This au... More

Digital content Audio
US$ 76.95 Select
Parental Timeline Reimprinting

Parental Timeline Reimprinting

Parental Timeline Reimprinting is included in most Core Transformation seminars and is a powerful method for using our Core States to heal our past, even in very troubled circumstances; making it a wonderful compliment to use with the Core Transformation process.This audio includes a training dem... More

Digital content Audio
US$ 43.95 Select
Logical Level Alignment

Logical Level Alignment

One of the most popular and pervasive models in NLP: Logical Level Alignment! This is a deceptively simple and very versatile model for change, both on the individual and on the group level. Using it with a group can be a very powerful analytic and synthetic tool. You can take a group through the... More

Digital content Audio
From US$ 19.95 Select
Applying Core Transformation: Resolving Writer's block

Applying Core Transformation: Resolving Writer's block

Core Transformation is one of the most easily used NLP models. While it can be a profoundly spiritual practice, it can be used in the most practical of applications.  You’ll have an example of the Core Transformation Process in action as Connirae Andreas resolves a profound issue, writ... More

Digital content Audio
US$ 43.95 Select
Changing Timelines

Changing Timelines

How is it that some people are more past, future, or present, oriented? What makes it difficult for some people to have goals or to move forward on the ones they have already set? And what is the basis for some people feeling every experience strongly while others are more detached?Timelines (the... More

Digital content Audio
US$ 43.95 Select
Building Self Concept

Building Self Concept

Beyond Self-Esteem, the power of the self-concept in motivating and directing a person’s behavior has been recognized for years. This pattern, developed by Steve and Connirae Andreas, uses Submodalities to elicit the existing structure of self-concept, and then build a new one with the same... More

Digital content Audio
US$ 43.95 Select
Aligning Perceptual Positions

Aligning Perceptual Positions

Aligning Perceptual Positions – What do you really want? How do you really feel? Are your answers colored by what someone else wants or feels? In this subtly powerful process, you get clear about your wants, desires, and boundaries. LearningThe difference between what are truly your desires... More

Digital content Audio
US$ 43.95 Select
A Strategy For Responding To Criticism

A Strategy For Responding To Criticism

Learn to automatically shield yourself from the trolls in life and online. Stop giving them free rent. It doesn't serve you, it just feeds them.Learn how to take feedback comfortably without blowing your stack or feeling bad. In a demonstration with a young man who takes criticism much too person... More

Digital content Audio
US$ 43.95 Select
The Forgiveness Pattern By Steve Andreas

The Forgiveness Pattern By Steve Andreas

If you’re struggling to forgive someone who has wronged you, these powerful NLP processes can help! Steve Andreas presents a step-by-step process for dealing with anger and resentment, so that you can finally let go and move on. With the enclosed written outline, it’s easy to follow a... More

Digital content Audio
US$ 29.95 Select
Decision Destroyer - NLP Submodalities

Decision Destroyer - NLP Submodalities

Steve Andreas The “Decision Destroyer” is recognized as one of the more impactful Submodalities patterns, enabling you to accomplish re-imprinting more rapidly and more thoroughly.This program teaches you how to create robust personally-compelling resources and put them into your pers... More

Digital content Audio
US$ 29.95 Select
Making Futures Real: Requisite Change

Making Futures Real: Requisite Change

Through a very detailed therapy session and de-brief, you’ll learn about the nine necessary components for effective personal change and maintenance. You’ll also experience a brilliant NLP Therapist at work. This is anohter well documented example of very deep and effective therapy by... More

Digital content Audio
US$ 87.95 Select
Lasting Feelings

Lasting Feelings

This is a pristine example of a complete therapeutic intervention. Leslie Camerson (Bandler, now LeBeau) was one of the most inventive and prolific early developers in the field of NLP.A brilliant therapist, she pioneered the development of the outcome model, submodalities, and meta programs. Thi... More

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US$ 87.95 Select