Logical Level Alignment

Logical Level Alignment
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One of the most popular and pervasive models in NLP: Logical Level Alignment! This is a deceptively simple and very versatile model for change, both on the individual and on the group level. Using it with a group can be a very powerful analytic and synthetic tool. You can take a group through the process and see where they are in agreement and where they are not; where they naturally cohere, and where there is separation.  With a little use and practice, this and other applications become obvious. 

We sort and store information on several different “logical levels”: Environment (the room is warm); Behavior (I am yawning); Capabilities (I can stay awake); Beliefs (falling asleep is rude); Identity (I am good if I stay awake); and in some contexts, Spirit. Each level influences the ones below it. 
For example, a belief influences behavior. Robert demonstrates how to collect information from all logical levels and use the information to facilitate change. In this audio, he works with a young woman suffering from arthritis.

Sample Outline Logical Level Alignment

Process: In this presentation Robert Dilts demonstrates his way of eliciting and aligning all levels of experiences (skills, abilities, beliefs and identity) to support change. The demonstration subject, Robin, sought relief from severe arthritis.

1. Physically lay out one space for each of the six logical levels:
  • Spiritual
  • Beliefs/Values
  • Capabilities
  • Behaviors
  • Environment
Beginning at the level of Environment and working your way up toward Spiritual, step into the appropriate space as you ask and answer each of the following questions.

2. Environment level: “When and where do I want my outcome?”

3. Behavior level: “What do I do when I have my outcome in those times and places?” “What behaviors are present in those times and places?”

4. Capabilities level: “How do I carry out those behaviors?” “What capabilities do I have/need to do those actions in those times and places?”

5. Beliefs level: “Why do I use those particular capabilities to accomplish those activities?“ “ What values are important to me when I have my outcome?” “What beliefs guide me? “

6. Identity level: “Who am I?” “What kind of person am I?”

7. Spiritual level: “Who else am I serving from my outcome?” “What is my mission?” “What is the vision I am pursuing or representing?”

8. Anchor the state that you entered into in the spiritual space. Take that physiology and inner experience and step back into the identity space so you experience both at the same time. Notice how it enhances or enriches your initial representation of the identity experience.

9. Take your experience of both your vision and your identity and bring them into your belief space. Again notice how it enhances or enriches your initial representation of your beliefs and values.

10. Bring your vision, identity, beliefs and values into the capability space. Experience how they strengthen, change or enrich the capabilities you experience within yourself.

11. Bring your vision, identity, beliefs, values and capabilities into the behavior space. Notice how even the most insignificant-seeming behaviors are reflections and manifestations of all of the higher levels within you.

12. Bring all the levels of yourself into the environment space and experience how it is transformed and enriched.

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Author: Robert Dilts
Length: 52 Minutes