Introducing Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) By Connirae Andreas

Introducing Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) By Connirae Andreas
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Your thoughts, beliefs, and habits influence the way you live your life and sometimes, they can get in your way of achieving important goals. NLP can help you identify and address the things that are standing between you and your dreams. This down-to-earth audio seminar provides tangible exercises and examples to introduce you to the possibilities of NLP.

What Is NLP? Socrates is famed for having said “Know thyself,” but he did not specify how to go about it; NLP Comprehensive offers you the tools to know yourself and so much more. Get your answers in this easy audio seminar presentation by Connirae Andreas.

Connirae co-founded NLP Comprehensive and is well know for her clear, direct, and friendly style. Connirae will demonstrate a simple and powerful NLP process for you. As you listen you’ll start to better understand how your thoughts (including beliefs), feelings (emotional reactions) and behaviors (including both positive and negative habits) influence the way you live your life. You’ll better be able to notice how they can get in the way of achieving what’s important to you. You’ll start to understand how NLP can help you identify and address the things that are standing between you and your dreams.

This down-to-earth audio program provides tangible, easy to follow exercises, and several examples illustrating how simple change can be for you, the possibilities available to you through the technology of NLP. Presented by Connirae Andreas, co-founder of NLP Comprehensive, established in 1979 with her husband Steve Andreas; you’ll be guided through several brief yet powerful exercises to afford you an experience of the practicality NLP offers, as well as offering you a glimpse of how much your life is really within your control. Also included in this audio, is a demonstration of one of the most famous NLP processes: The Swish. Famous for helping people quite smoking and creating lasting motivation, including the Swish process is reason enough to get this for yourself now!