Successful Parenting

Successful Parenting
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Successful Parenting Audio Seminar Series. You’ll discover how knowing these simple methods can make parenting so much easier and more rewarding. Learn methods for dealing with the “terrible twos,” methods to help build your child’s self-esteem, how to build cooperation for an easy daily routine, methods for negotiating and resolving conflict, and more. Hear stories and examples, plus Connirae’s answers to questions from parents.

Learn the Secrets of Successful Parenting and The Language Patterns Successful
Parents (and Managers) Know!

Toddlers throw tantrums, preschoolers jump on the bed, and a little girl defiantly announces… “I’ll do it myself.” These are scenes most of us can relate to.

And often ‘childish behavior’ continues in the workplace.

This Audio Seminar is titled The Successful Parenting Audio Seminar Series it’s really “Advanced Language Patterns II” in such an easy, low key format you can use it with no previous experience at all.

It’s one of Connirae Andreas’ many contributions to NLP. One day a friend and colleague was watching Connirae disciplining one of her young boys. She said to Connirae, “I wouldn’t have believed it was possible to be this nice to children and have it work! You should teach this to other people.” so Connirae developed an NLP Parenting Workshop. We recorded several sessions and selected the best examples of her use of sophisticated NLP language with children.

We get comments like “my child is lovable again!” from the parents who’ve listened to this delightful program. Developed when her children were young, these patterns work with people of all ages.

In her warm and easy, melodic style, Connirae gives you some very simple yet very powerful methods to resolve common issues with kids and adults and help them be the people you want them to be.

Connirae tells specifically the value of and how to:
  • Set Limits
  • Develop Positive Consequences
  • Say NO – and get Yes
  • Learning instead of Blaming
  • Self versus Behavior
  • Preventing Fights
  • Negotiating for Results
  • Building Positive Motivation

With the Successful Parenting Audio Seminar Series

You’ll discover how knowing these simple methods can make parenting so much easier and more rewarding.

You’ll Hear stories and examples, plus Connirae answering questions from

  • how to build cooperation for an easy daily routine
  • how to help build your child’s self-esteem
  • methods for dealing with the “terrible twos”
  • methods for negotiating and resolving conflict, and more.
Whether you’re a single parent or have a partner/spouse with a different parenting style, you’ll find this program gives you new insights with every listening.

The program could be subtitled “Advanced Language Patterns II” because Connirae reveals these powerful and subtle language patterns in ways that can be used by anyone – no
prior training required – and yet are the same patterns taught in very advanced NLP courses.

Master Practitioners have told us how much they, too, have gotten from this deceptively simple program and Connirae’s very easy going style.

Its a program you can start using in different contexts and in various ways.

  1. with parenting
  2. with managing behavior (even the boss’s) at work and
  3. as a way to learn some of the advanced language patterns.
Connirae has done the hard work to make this easy for you. It’s her gift to you from her years of teaching and developing the use of NLP’s profound language tools.

That’s what we do here at NLP Comprehensive. We want to help you enrich your life by offering leading edge quality programs that have proven value for you.

So here’s your chance to easily deepen your language skills and make your life happier and easier for you, and all those around you!
Click on the link and get yours now!

“PLUS Workbook in pdf you can download from your “My Content” page - where you will be re-directed once your order is confirmed!”

Author: Connirae Andreas
Length: 360 Minutes