Steve Andreas - Sort: Best Selling, Low to High

Decision Destroyer - NLP Submodalities

Decision Destroyer - NLP Submodalities

Steve Andreas The “Decision Destroyer” is recognized as one of the more impactful Submodalities patterns, enabling you to accomplish re-imprinting more rapidly and more thoroughly.This program teaches you how to create robust personally-compelling resources and put them into your pers... More

Digital content Audio
¥4,683.00 Select
The Forgiveness Pattern By Steve Andreas

The Forgiveness Pattern By Steve Andreas

If you’re struggling to forgive someone who has wronged you, these powerful NLP processes can help! Steve Andreas presents a step-by-step process for dealing with anger and resentment, so that you can finally let go and move on. With the enclosed written outline, it’s easy to follow a... More

Digital content Audio
¥4,683.00 Select
A Strategy For Responding To Criticism

A Strategy For Responding To Criticism

Learn to automatically shield yourself from the trolls in life and online. Stop giving them free rent. It doesn't serve you, it just feeds them.Learn how to take feedback comfortably without blowing your stack or feeling bad. In a demonstration with a young man who takes criticism much too person... More

Digital content Audio
¥6,871.00 Select
Changing Timelines

Changing Timelines

How is it that some people are more past, future, or present, oriented? What makes it difficult for some people to have goals or to move forward on the ones they have already set? And what is the basis for some people feeling every experience strongly while others are more detached?Timelines (the... More

Digital content Audio
¥6,871.00 Select
Recreating Yourself

Recreating Yourself

In this powerful audio program you’ll discover how your beliefs or generalizations about others or their surroundings are powerful enablers – or disablers – of you behaviors and accomplishments, and how the beliefs you hold about yourself shape (for good or ill) you life.This au... More

Digital content Audio
¥12,031.00 Select
Resolving Shame

Resolving Shame

Most experts acknowledge shame as a root cause of many difficulties – including alcoholism, drug abuse, and codependence. Steve Andres examines the structure of shame, then demonstrates a rapid method for resolving shame and regaining a sense of self-esteem. Note: Viewers need prior NLP exp... More

Digital content Audio
¥6,871.00 Select
Six-Step Reframing

Six-Step Reframing

One of the first NLP formal processes to make extensive use of the Reframing model, Six-Step Reframing, is a very generative process. It bridges therapeutic and generative uses, both healing, integrating, and generating new choices.A signal that you may want to use this process is that too famili... More

Digital content Audio
¥6,871.00 Select
The Swish Pattern

The Swish Pattern

This is the classic submodalities pattern used for a wide variety of outcomes. The Swish Pattern is a rapid, effective intervention for modifying habits and feelings. It was first a standard for motivation and for smoking cessation. The Swish is a fundamental example of a submodalities change pro... More

Digital content Audio
¥6,871.00 Select
Changing Beliefs

Changing Beliefs

If you have a good understanding of the NLP submodalities model, this will really benefit you. You will get direct exposure to several ways to assist in changing beliefs. You’ll dive right in as Steve and Connirae demonstrate how to use submodalities to help people modify limiting beliefs. ... More

Digital content Audio
¥6,871.00 Select
Resolving Grief

Resolving Grief

In this program Steve and Connirae examine and model the aspects of loss and resulting grief. The loss may be the loss of a person, an activitity, an item, or even a place. In this experience you'll explore how to resolve the grief resulting from such a loss, and even how personal loss can be a p... More

Digital content Audio
¥6,871.00 Select