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The Identity Process: A Demonstration With Diane Connirae Andreas

The Identity Process: A Demonstration With Diane Connirae Andreas

A "core state" is a state of being. It is not something you do or achieve (success). It's not something you get from others (appreciation) or even yourself (self-appreciation). It is not something you know (wisdom). And it is not a specific emotion. In a somewhat complex demonstration, Connirae A... More

Digital content Audio
¥7,008.00 Select
The Walt Disney Creativity Strategy

The Walt Disney Creativity Strategy

For many people, criticism is the biggest obstacle to creative thinking. You, too, can overcome this block just like Walt Disney did. Robert Dilts found that Disney’s approach to creativity by sequencing his creative process into three functional stages: “Dreamer, Realist, and Critic&... More

Digital content Audio
¥7,008.00 Select
The Tote Utilization Process

The Tote Utilization Process

Ever feel like you’re stuck in an endless cycle of ineffective behavior? The T.O.T.E. Utilization Process is a powerful tool that can help you break free from that cycle and start achieving your goals. This program will show you how to use the T.O.T.E. to achieve the changes you want in you... More

Digital content Audio
From ¥3,181.00 Select
The Swish Pattern

The Swish Pattern

This is the classic submodalities pattern used for a wide variety of outcomes. The Swish Pattern is a rapid, effective intervention for modifying habits and feelings. It was first a standard for motivation and for smoking cessation. The Swish is a fundamental example of a submodalities change pro... More

Digital content Audio
¥7,008.00 Select
The Aligned Self By Connirae Andreas

The Aligned Self By Connirae Andreas

Gain specific methods for resolving life issues, coping with day-to-day stresses, improving relationships, changing unwanted feelings, and overcoming limitations that keep you from getting what you want. This covers the following NLP topics: Aligning Perceptual Positions, the five core outcomes, ... More

Digital content Audio
¥17,181.00 Select
Successful Parenting

Successful Parenting

Successful Parenting Audio Seminar Series. You’ll discover how knowing these simple methods can make parenting so much easier and more rewarding. Learn methods for dealing with the “terrible twos,” methods to help build your child’s self-esteem, how to build cooperation fo... More

Digital content Audio
¥8,762.00 Select
Stories That Change People

Stories That Change People

How to Tell a Story that Helps People Change. It was David Gordon that ‘cracked the code’ on Milton Erickson’s storytelling Milton would tell someone a story, assign a task, (or send them out to climb Squaw Peak)… …and this would lead them to change. Now you can le... More

Digital content Audio
¥17,532.00 Select
Six-Step Reframing

Six-Step Reframing

One of the first NLP formal processes to make extensive use of the Reframing model, Six-Step Reframing, is a very generative process. It bridges therapeutic and generative uses, both healing, integrating, and generating new choices.A signal that you may want to use this process is that too famili... More

Digital content Audio
¥7,008.00 Select
Resolving Shame

Resolving Shame

Most experts acknowledge shame as a root cause of many difficulties – including alcoholism, drug abuse, and codependence. Steve Andres examines the structure of shame, then demonstrates a rapid method for resolving shame and regaining a sense of self-esteem. Note: Viewers need prior NLP exp... More

Digital content Audio
¥7,008.00 Select
Resolving Grief

Resolving Grief

In this program Steve and Connirae examine and model the aspects of loss and resulting grief. The loss may be the loss of a person, an activitity, an item, or even a place. In this experience you'll explore how to resolve the grief resulting from such a loss, and even how personal loss can be a p... More

Digital content Audio
¥7,008.00 Select
Recreating Yourself

Recreating Yourself

In this powerful audio program you’ll discover how your beliefs or generalizations about others or their surroundings are powerful enablers – or disablers – of you behaviors and accomplishments, and how the beliefs you hold about yourself shape (for good or ill) you life.This au... More

Digital content Audio
¥12,268.00 Select
Powerful Presentations and Fearless Public Speaking

Powerful Presentations and Fearless Public Speaking

Creating and delivering winning presentations is ever more important to your success. In this program you will get a series of easy to follow templates for designing and delivering memorably effective presentations, guaranteed. Michael Grinder, the authority in NLP on presentations and group... More

Digital content Audio
¥8,762.00 Select
Positive Parenting

Positive Parenting

Struggling as a parent?You’re not alone. Connirae Andreas has been there, and she knows what works – and what doesn’t. In this program she shares her hard-won wisdom so that you can find the solutions you need to make parenting easier.In contrast to the all-to-common assumptions... More

Digital content Audio
¥13,146.00 Select
Parental Timeline Reimprinting

Parental Timeline Reimprinting

Parental Timeline Reimprinting is included in most Core Transformation seminars and is a powerful method for using our Core States to heal our past, even in very troubled circumstances; making it a wonderful compliment to use with the Core Transformation process.This audio includes a training dem... More

Digital content Audio
¥7,008.00 Select
Modelling With NLP

Modelling With NLP

Modelling is the core of NLP, the source of the source code, and David is one of the original developers of NLP. NLP processes are simply the output of effective modelling projects.  You’ll get his carefully crafted model of modelling, and his secrets for successful modelling with NLP.... More

Digital content Audio
¥12,268.00 Select
Making Futures Real: Requisite Change

Making Futures Real: Requisite Change

Through a very detailed therapy session and de-brief, you’ll learn about the nine necessary components for effective personal change and maintenance. You’ll also experience a brilliant NLP Therapist at work. This is anohter well documented example of very deep and effective therapy by... More

Digital content Audio
¥14,024.00 Select