Six-Step Reframing

Six-Step Reframing
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One of the first NLP formal processes to make extensive use of the Reframing model, Six-Step Reframing, is a very generative process. It bridges therapeutic and generative uses, both healing, integrating, and generating new choices.

A signal that you may want to use this process is that too familiar feeling of being caught on the horns of a dilemma. Part of me wants to do this, but another part wants to do that, or just isn't sure. You’ve probably heard this before, and maybe you’ve even said it.
The “part” that’s not sure is usually “not sure” for an important reason. Six-step reframing is especially effective when examining such internal dialogue and evaluating internal objections and concerns.

In this seminar excerpt Connirae teaches this technique with a woman who wants to stop smoking. While anyone can benefit, there is a presumption of some basic acquaintance with basic linguistic concepts as used in NLP like internal parts, parts dialogue, 
and reframing.

Author: Steve Andreas
Length: 71 Minutes