Advanced Language Patterns

Advanced Language Patterns
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One of our top sellers since its introduction, this title features world renowned author, trainer, developer, Connirae Andreas, elegantly teaching and demonstrating in front of a live audience some of the most powerful linguistic patterns developed in NLP; from prepositional forms, to Sleight of Mouth, to Meta Model III.

Listening to your Advanced Language Pattern Training caused my largest leap in skill since I began to study NLP and Hypnosis. I truly appreciate your work using language. –Dan Paris, business coach Clinical Hypnotherapist (CHt), San Marcos, CA

This perennial best-seller is an elegant explanation and experience of the power of language patterns developed in NLP. In this highly sophisticated program you’ll experience how language shapes our experiences and relationships, and how to choose how it affects you.

Re-mastered with added material it features world renowned author and trainer Connirae Andreas. Her elegant and masterful teaching of some of the most powerful work within NLP will subtly and effectively re-shape important relationships and your ability to influence people and systems toward more positive outcomes.

From presuppositions (embedded assumptions) to sleight-of-mouth (magical phrases that tap unconscious responses), to working with key NLP concepts of re-framing and time, language patterns are being used today in therapy, business, teaching, training, parenting, and any context in which you want to strengthen personal and professional relationships.

You’ll realize how language patterns influence life contexts like relationship’s both personal and professional, teaching, training, therapy, coaching, and competition. These powerful language distinctions can make a huge difference in your ability to introduce and assist others (and yourself) with making change.

The material on this program will teach you how to:
  • Tune your ears, so you can hear how a person sorts problems and resources
  • Help people in opening-up to new ideas and possibilities they had never considered
  • Gently support others toward focusing on desirable new choices, and from there on to developing new thinking patterns
Through this program, you’ll actually experience how it’s possible to change beliefs using only language – two complete demonstrations are included on this program!

“PLUS Workbook in pdf you can download from your “My Content” page - where you will be re-directed once your order is confirmed!”

Author: Connirae Andreas
Length: 230 Minutes