Therapy/Self Growth - Sort: Rating, Low to High

The Identity Process: A Demonstration With Diane Connirae Andreas

The Identity Process: A Demonstration With Diane Connirae Andreas

A "core state" is a state of being. It is not something you do or achieve (success). It's not something you get from others (appreciation) or even yourself (self-appreciation). It is not something you know (wisdom). And it is not a specific emotion. In a somewhat complex demonstration, Connirae A... More

Digital content Audio
41,26 € Select
Resolving Grief

Resolving Grief

In this program Steve and Connirae examine and model the aspects of loss and resulting grief. The loss may be the loss of a person, an activitity, an item, or even a place. In this experience you'll explore how to resolve the grief resulting from such a loss, and even how personal loss can be a p... More

Digital content Audio
41,26 € Select